Hello there BeAUtiFULL People!
Thanks for visiting me here and I hope you have come intending to play along with me in. This blog is dedicated to an ART DATE every week and I will be posting a mixed media/art journaling snippet each week for 2012. A new background, technique, idea or prompt........ perhaps a step by step, maybe a video, maybe a link or two to something cool. An adventure in mixed media and a learning experience for us all, me included. I always learn more from others as I teach. So thank you everyone for being MY teacher.
So, you have now entered my play area, where there are no rules except to play NICE and treat others as you wish to be treated. Here you will find I publish a new mixed media/art journal adventure every week of 2012. You can participate or just watch. Your choice. However if you choose to participate, then please leave somewhere we can visit you and see your work relating to this project. If you don't have a blog, website or somewhere else we can visit, then you might like to consider setting up a personal online gallery just for this purpose. Many websites such as Photobucket or Flickr allow you a free personal page where you can upload your work. I have also set up a group Flickr account which shall be for everyone to share their work and allow us to see it all in one place. Join the group at http://www.flickr.com/
Starts 1st January 2012, and if you would like a reminder each week, join me on facebook (link upper right) or choose to follow this blog (bottom of page).
To be added to the ever growing list here, in the COMMENTS section below, leave your name (or what you wish the list to show) and link to your blog, website, photo sharing site or other internet page (if you don't have one please join the group Flickr and I'll link you to that :-) Also love to know how you got here! Terry Butler www.flickr.com/Terry493
Gerri Zoppa http://www.flickr.com/groups/1844373@N21/
Jerlyn Marshall www.flickr.com/groups/1844373@N21/
Art Expression www.nicoletnadeau.blogspot
Just a scrap of paper justascrapofpaper.wordpress.com
Effy Wild effywild.com
Alter My World With Art altermyworldwithart.blogspot.com/
Jeanette House www.jeanettehouse.co.uk/blog/
Pippa Passes By - Pippa Gore pjbear-determinedscrapper.blogspot.com/
Chrystie Hile www.flickr.com/people/61157989@N03/
Spirit Essence Art www.SpiritEssenceArt.com
Fabulous Moonlight fabulousmoonlight.blogspot.com
Trish Bee lostmusejournals.wordpress.com/
Estonia Creates estoniacreates.blogspot.com
Stephanie Gagos www.findingyourvoiceoftruth.com
Scrapping4Fun scrapping4fun.wordpress.com/
Gems By Julz gemsbyjulz.blogspot.com/
Moxie Blue wwwmoxiebluecom.blogspot.com/
Natasha defineyourjoy.com
janetsartplay www.janetsartplay.blogspot.com
Annette Graves annettegraves.blogspot.com
Artfullee Designed www.artfulleedesigned.blogspot.com/
Anna rosa designs annarosadesigns.blogspot.com/
simplytrece simplytrece.wordpress.com
Dolci www.dolci-mirabella.blogspot.com
Gazouillages gazouillages.over-blog.com
Art for the Life of Me - Nancy W artforthelifeofme.blogspot.com/
La Boheme Creative Lounge alexcharlap.blogspot.com
Creative Paint & Paper creativepaintpaper.blogspot.com/
Skye and Stone Dreams skyeandstonedreams.blogspot.com/
crafty creations inkythings.blogspot.com
lenasartexplorations lenasartexplorations.blogspot.com
Diane Salter dianesalter.blogspot.com
Mitzi Koons www.flickr.com/photos/mitzikoons/
Mossberry Cottage elisabetpollock.blogspot.com
Kims kreative korner kimmerbe.wordpress.com
Lisa www.flickr.com/photos/lc1012/galleries/
Enjoy the Ride Today www.enjoytheridetoday.blogspot.com
artadayinthelife https://artadayinthelife.wordpress.com/
The Artist Within www.urbanekdesign.blogspot.com
River-Girl-Art river-girls-art.blogspot.com/
CreativitytotheMAX judithwesterfield.wordpress.com
Adornments by Malinda J www.malindaj.com/blog
cheryl c www.flickr.com/photos/cher_ing/
Liz H http://www.flickr.com/groups/1844373@N21/
Gilly www.flickr.com/photos/scarlett_ribbons/
My World, my thoughts My art Goldbettyboop.blogspot.com
Lucys Arts and Crafts lucysartsandcrafts.blogspot.com/
Craft Dinner www.craft-dinner.blogspot.com
Bounces home www.carol-511home.blogspot.com
tonis creations tonicreations.blogspot.com
Tracey Lewindon http://www.flickr.com/groups/1844373@N21/
Lolliemagpiedesigns lolliemagpiedesigns.blogspot.com
La Sirene Noir lasirenenoir.blogspot.com
Healing through Art myhealingthroughartstory.blogspot.com/
Sharilus creative space http://www.flickr.com/groups/1844373@N21/
inkydoodles inkydoodles.blogspot.com
creativahoy www.creativahoy.com
Jeanie www.flickr.com/photos/42212029@N08/
Fionas Flotsam www.fionasflotsam.blogspot.com
CarolsCards http://www.flickr.com/groups/1844373@N21/
Scribble-n-Paint scribble-n-paint.blogspot.com/
Julie Frokjer www.flickr.com/photos/julief2010/
Art Therapist Drawing The Self Out www.arttherapist.ca
Julee Hermann www.heartcollective.com
janet S http://www.flickr.com/groups/1844373@N21/
Wyckies World https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wyckies-World/172206322835001?ref=tn_tnmn
Dont Be a Pickle Bump www.dontbeapicklebump.com
Sharon Andrews sharon-artfortheheartandsoul.blogspot.com
Just My Little Bit my-littlebit.blogspot.com/
musingmama devidreaming.blogspot.com
Me Unscripted www.me-unscripted.com/
Jo of Crafting the Sacred craftingthesacred.blogspot.com
Skaja Wills www.cynicallycheerful.com
salmon monkey www.flickr.com/photos/72842060@N08/
Phyllis D www.grannygumpslife.com
Dotty Jean dottyjean.blogspot.com/
Paperpants n pencils paperpaintpencils.blogspot.com/
Fallingladies fallingladies-fallingladies.blogspot.com/2011/12/joining.html
Tribe Zen tribezen.blogspot.com/
beverleyannstudio beverleyannstudio.blogspot.com/
Tephyrs Garden www.tephyr.blogspot.com
Adventures in Art Journaling adventuresinartjournaling.blogspot.com/
Scraps and Rides scrapsandrides.blogspot.com/
Meredith The Golden Thread thegoldenthread-meredith.blogspot.com/
Creative*Art*Journal creativeartjournal.blogspot.com/
rest recovery rediscovery restoration www.creativelifearts.com
Pam culpepper.tumblr.com/
RitaJC aka a Latvian http://www.flickr.com/photos/35203258@N08/
Her Aspect heraspect.tumblr.com
JoeyLienert joeylienert.blogspot.com
Confessions of an Inky Wheeler confessionsofaninkywheeler.blogspot.com
Lisa D wyrdneedles.blogspot.com
morgenweich|kunst morgenweich.blogspot.com/
Planet Choka planetchoka.blogspot.com
Peg Pritchett - Coming Out of the Blue www.pegpritchett.blogspot.com
Bev www.flickr.com/photos/33564817@N00/
Angela Huddart angelasquilts.blogspot.com/
JoYceS*ArT=? jetdtsetters.blogspot.com
HeartString Quilts www.heartstringquilts.blogspot.com
Nurse Ratchet wants to get inky www.nurseratchetblog.ca
LibbyArmanino libbyarmanino.typepad.com/blog/
Donna http://www.flickr.com/groups/1844373@N21/
ART A DAY IN THE LIFE artadayinthelife.blogspot.com/
OoLaLa Living the Arty Life www.oolalatheartylife.com
Life Of Deb lifeofdeb.wordpress.com/
My Chaindriven Life Runfromms.blogspot.com
Artsy Creations myartsycreations.blogspot.com/
Lula Pomme lulaloveslipstick.blogspot.com/
inkybluey inkybluey.wordpress.com
Patties Art pattiensaffie.blogspot.com/
Rhinestone Contessa RhinestoneContessa.com
www.marilyn-art.com www.PictureTrail.com/marilynart
www.anewdayartstudio.com www.anewdayartstudio.com
mia-and-zoe http://www.flickr.com/groups/1844373@N21/
Love Rosies World loverosiesworld.blogspot.com/
Judy Lange judylange.com/ Blissfully Yours kellysplace2play.blogspot.com/
Bulles de Glycerine bullesdeglycerine.blogspot.com
Steph Block steph-nerdbird.blogspot.com/
RubyClaire rubyclaire.blogspot.com
Le blog dAzoline creazoline.canalblog.com/
hercreativesoul www.hercreativesoul.blogspot.com
Creative View barbview.blogspot.com/
Elizabeth Pollock http://elisabetpollock.blogspot..com www.elizabethstudio54.com
Marguerite http://www.flickr.com/marguerite1997
Joyce http://joyfulartstuff.blogspot.com
Liz Mullen scrapiliciouslife.blogspot.com
Mary http://joyfulploys.wordpress.com
Cyndee www.eloisescollage.com
Janet http://jkbees.blogspot.com
Laurie Z www.happymelauriez.blogspot.com
Jen www.sadieinspired.blogspot.com
Xylia http://hearthling3.blogspot.com
Jen www.paperscissorschocolate.com
Michelle michelledidit@blogspot.com
Elena - www.mynameiselena.blogspot.com
Laurey Stahelin http://www.flickr.com/Aimeslee Winans http://www.flickr.com/photos/artfarts/sets/
Vicki http:///craftyladytoo.blogspot.com
Christine Kemp http://www.goldenlillycrafts.blogspot.com
Nickalli http://www.nickalli.blogspot.com
Janet Murie http://janetjournalsjoyfully.blogspot.com
Kay http://kay-mntopquilting.blogspot.com/
Cytrine http://inviteenchantment.blogspot.com
Chris F http://artplaywithchris.blogspot.com/
Heather http://asiwriteit.blogspot.com
Jen www.sadieinspired.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteWelcome Jen, you are on the list. Smiles Jan
ReplyDeleteLouise Williams www.paperscissorschocolate.com :)
ReplyDeleteXylia Brown
Welcome girls, you are now both on the list.
ReplyDeleteI'm here! I want to do this!!
ReplyDeleteJordan Hill
looks so wonderful:) found you on my fb page via... not sure:)
Hey Jordan and Michelle, glad you are both here. All signed up and ready to go...... Smiles Jan
ReplyDeleteElena Vigil-Farinas
Lovely to add you to the list Elena
ReplyDeleteI would like to join but I have no blog or anything. Laurey Stahelin
ReplyDeleteNo problem Laurey, I will sign you up with the group Flickr. If you then join up (link in post) you can upload any work you wish to share. Welcome!
ReplyDeleteHello. I would like to join this! Thanks,
ReplyDeleteAimeslee Winans
My Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/artfarts/sets/
Welcome Aimeslee, glad you joined
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic idea,thanks Jan! just saw this on Effy's blog.
ReplyDeletePlease sign me up.
Loving this workshop I would love to join.
http://www.nickalli.blogspot.com Just made my way over from Effy's BODs. I have a little bit of catching up to do but would love to play along with you all!!
ReplyDeleteAll signed up girls and welcome! If you are on Facebook, be sure to join the 52 PlayDATE group over there for all the chat and lots of show and tell. Link is above right or copy and paste..
Hi...found you through Effy.I'd love to join, seems fun and interesting! http://janetjournalsjoyfully.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteThank you,
Welcome Janet! You are also welcome to join our 52 PlayDATES facebook group. link at top right of page
ReplyDeletedon't you just love all the networking that happens from here to there ... looking forward to playing along this year. http://kay-mntopquilting.blogspot.com/
Can't get enough of all this "inspired creativity"
Found you on 2012 Book of days Effy Wild
Welcome girls and yes I agree, 2012 is just bursting with creativity and networking. LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteJan, I'm late but with a good excuse. I'll share more later.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how I found you, but I can see I'll never need to leave this awesome group you've collected here for a bit of creative inspiration.
I have an old, soon to be revived blog http://artplaywithchris.blogspot.com/
Can't wait to catch up and participate with all of you :))
No problem Chris, you don't need excuses here :-), just play along at your own pace. Will add you to the list and if you're on facebook, be sure to use the link at upper right to join the group over there. Glad you joined us!
ReplyDeleteOooh, Ive missed this until now. My blog is http://asiwriteit.blogspot.com and will get to some art after viewing the vids. My name is Heather. ;-)
ReplyDeleteHello Jan =)
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed watching all your clever videos. Thanks for all the tips. I'd like to come play along. My name is Ronnie, and here's a link to my blog http://radiantrace.blogspot.com/
This looks like fun! I can't wait to catch up on all the delicious playdates! My name is Meredith, and here is a link to my blog: http://thegoldenthread-meredith.blogspot.com/